Our Services

Chiropractic care

At Shelly Family Chiropractic we provided holistic, patient centered chiropractic care. This means we address the whole person, focusing each treatment on the individual, tailoring the approach and management of their specific condition and goals. Therefore never treating two people the same. Our chiropractic care focuses on minimally invasive, natural, manual therapy which addresses neuromusculoskeletal conditions. Chiropractic care has been shown to be an effective alternative therapy to pharmaceutical drugs and surgery. It has been shown to treat a wide range of neurological and musculoskeletal problems. The modalities which we offer includes spinal manipulation therapy, dry needling, ischemic compression, massage, therapeutic ultrasound, interferential current and taping.


Chiropractors are trained diagnostic practitioners. This means they will use a variety of techniques to identify exactly what is causing your pain or ailment. They will do this by asking your case history,  giving you a physical examination, doing a variety of special tests as well as possibly sending you for imaging (x rays/ ultrasounds or MRI) or blood tests. This enables them to more accurately choose the best way to treat your condition. If your condition is not best treated by a chiropractor they can then refer you to the appropriate specialist.


Education is a big part of the treatment offered by a chiropractor. Every patient will receive specific education about their condition. Education will include what the condition is, the best ways to treat it, as well as the rehabilitative exercises and lifestyle modification which help to treat their condition. This is scientifically proven to reduce pain  and reduce recurrence of the injury in the future.

SMT (spinal manipulation therapy)

Spinal manipulation therapy also known as the adjustment, is a speciality of the chiropractor and is defined as a high velocity low amplitude thrust which leads to cavitation (popping sound within a joint). This can either be a short lever adjustment directed directly into the vertebrae or a long lever adjustment which is directed elsewhere but still leads to cavitation of  the vertebrae segment. The aim of the adjustment is to restore optimal movement at a specific segment of the spine which was previously not moving correctly. This leads to better biomechanics of the whole spine thus reducing pain. SMT can also have an effect on the central nervous system and the brain reducing the threshold for producing pain helping to normalize the brain body connection.

Dry needling

Dr needling is a soft tissue technique for treating myofascial pain syndrome which is a pain syndrome attributed to a tight, ropy band within a muscle or fascial muscular complex known as a trigger point. Trigger points can produce pain over the affected area or at a far away point known as referred pain. A dry needle is a thin solid filiform needle which is inserted into the painful trigger point. It is known to reduce pain, muscle tension as well as lead to improved muscle coordination and strength and range of motion. It is also indicated for treating athletes with delayed muscle soreness. It is thought to produce these effects through multiple mechanism namely increasing local blood circulation, stimulating the release of  neuromodulating analgesic substances at the site as well as acting centrally by stimulating alternative nerve fiber pathways and therefore reducing the stimulation of the pain pathways. 

Ischemic compression

Ischemic compression is a soft tissue technique used to treat myofascial pain syndrome and hyperirritable nodules within a muscle. This is a non-invasive technique where the practitioner applies a continuous pressure onto the trigger point using their hand, elbow or an instrument. The pressure is gradually increased to match the patient’s tolerance levels. Research suggests Ischemic compression reduces pain, improves function and increases range of motion when treating trigger points. Compression of the trigger point causes a period of decreased blood circulation to the area and when released leads to a hyperemia or rapid increase of blood flow to that point. This increase in blood flow improves the metabolism of the muscles within the trigger point leading to reduced pain and quicker recovery of the tissue. 


Strapping is a technique which uses rigid and semi rigid tape in order to provide external support for an injured or lax joint or torn or bruised muscle, tendon or ligament. Strapping can be indicated in joint sprains, shoulder impingement syndromes, ligament strains in the knees as well as repetitive injuries in the wrists and elbows. Strapping can also help to reduce acute inflammation and help drain fluid in bruised muscles. It is often used on the field side in sports but is also effective in sprained ankles or other injuries in  the general population. Strapping is applied to the affected area while placed under tension to provide support for the injured area. This reduces excessive movement in the joint and supports the area involved leading to less tension placed on the passive supporting structures like the joint capsule. Your practitioner will first  assess the severity of your injury because if there is a severe tear or damage to the joint structure this may require imaging and referral. When indicated, strapping can speed up healing, provide pain relief, support and improve overall function while the injury heals.


Kinesio taping

Kinesio taping is a strapping technique which uses dynamic stretchy tape for the treatment of certain musculoskeletal injuries. Your practitioner will first assess your injury to ensure that kinesio taping is indicated. It will then be applied on a stretch around the joint, muscles or area of injury. Kinesio Taping provides neurological support while still allowing a full range of motion of the affected part . This means the presence of the tape around the injury alerts the brain that there is an issue in the area that makes the brain tell the muscles and other supporting structures to be more protective. KT taping is also effective in inflammation and lymphatic drainage. It lifts the skin and superficial structures allowing for better blood flow and lymphatic drainage. KT taping is indicated in chronic ankle sprains, shoulder injuries knee injuries and chronic instability of all joints. It is often utilized in sports  to provide support but still allow full range of motion of the body part.


Therapeutic ultrasound

Therapeutic ultrasound is  the application of high frequency sound waves into soft tissue which is thought to have a healing effect.This modality is considered a mechanical energy which uses a frequency of 1- 3MHz. Therapeutic ultrasound is thought to reduce pain and improve healing of soft tissue.  This modality is indicated for inflammatory conditions, arthritis, tendinitis, soft tissue injuries and other soft tissue conditions. Despite having little quality research to support this treatment, physiotherapists and chiropractors have been using it since the 80s with positive results. 


IFC- interferential current

IFC is an electro modality which uses electricity to produce a therapeutic response. It uses 2 pairs of electrodes which produces a medium frequency electrical pulse which stimulates the underlying tissue. This modality has been shown to reduce pain, swelling and stimulate the underlying muscles. It is indicated in the treatment of sprains, myofascial trigger points (knots), joint swelling due to injury or arthritis, chronic pain conditions and various other musculoskeletal conditions.